Archery tag Amsterdam
Archery tag Amsterdam is one of the coolest activities. Play this challenging game, which is a combination of Dodgeball and Archery, with your friends, family or colleagues. It is possible to play archery tag Amsterdam at our location or at the location of your choice.
You can Archery tag with 4 to 5000 people at a time. We have several fields and it is possible to play archery tag both outside and inside. Please note our standard prices are for outside Archery tag.
Archery tag Amsterdam is powered by UP Events. Look for all possible activities, workshops and teambuilding on
Price achery tag Amsterdam
At our location in Amsterdam
- Including instructor
- From 4 players
- 0,5 hour €19.57 pp (€17.95 pp excl. VAT)
Why UP Events?
- You will leave happier than you arrived
- We meet expectations, we prefer to exceed them
- Value for money
- We don’t just promise an activity but an experience
- Every year we offer one new spectacular experience to look forward to
- Still not happy? we will invite you back
Amazing events with amazing people
- More than 15 years of experience in memorable experiences
- Over 80,000 satisfied customers per year
- UP Events meets expectations, preferably we exceed them
- More than 100 group outings in 1 location!
- Connect in an inspiring environment
- Free parking in front of the door, in Amsterdam, really
Enjoy archery tag in a package deal
Het compleet verzorgde arrangement. Inclusief 1 activiteit, 3 drankjes per persoon en heerlijke BBQ.

Een compleet verzorgde dag met activiteit, borrelplateau, 3 uur drankarrangement en overheerlijke BBQ.

A fully catered event with 2 activities, snack platter, 3 hour unlimited drinks and a great BBQ.

Amazing day
The king among the packages: 3 activities, lunch, snacks, the whole day unlimited drinks and delicious BBQ.

What others think about Archery tag Amsterdam
What is Archery tag?
Archery tag is a sport that originates in America. This game is becoming more and more popular in the Netherlands. Archery Tag is played with a specially developed safety bow and arrows. During the game, players wear a mask to protect their face. If you get hit you will feel it but it’s not hurt like paintball where you have bruises the next morning. Archery tag is a game that is suitable for young and old. Children can participate from the age of 8.
Playing field
UP Events has its own Archery tag arena where we can play with up to 20 players at the same time. It is also possible to play in our forest, which can add an extra dimension to the game. The objective of the game is to ‘tag’ the opposition players, which eliminates them from the game.
Archery tag Amsterdam arrival
Always make a reservation online or by phone, so we can schedule a staffmember. Please be at out location at least 15 minutes before the start of your event. If you still want to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or something else, please make sure that you are at our location at least 30 minutes before the start of the event.
You can play Archery tag Amsterdam at our beautiful location in Amsterdam West. A game lasts 1.5 hours and then it’s obviously nice to take a break with a refreshing drink or snack. After this short break your team is ready for the second half. Afterwards, you can opt for one of our BBQs or beverage packages. Please ask for the possibilities to make a suitable package of your outing.
Combine archery tag with other cool activities
Are you the smartest Survivor of your group.

Real life gaming, go to battle but especially: have fun!

Bubble football
Wrapped in a huge plastic ball you are battling each other.

Archery tag
Armed with bow and arrow you battle eachtother.

Archery tag Amsterdam can be a part of the program in activities like bubble football, laser tag or one of our room escape challenges. You can find all of the available activities at or call one of our sales team colleagues.
UP Events
Archery tag Amsterdam is one of the many activities and workshops of UP Events. If you want to combine Archery Tag with one of our room escape concepts, laser tag, bubble football another teambuilding activity, meeting, lunch, drinks, tapas or BBQ please let us know, we will make a suitable offer for you. You can contact us on +31 (0)20-4635850 or email us via the contactform.